Linzer Cookies

Buttery, melt in the mouth, blasting with the flavor of Jam, and such a treat to the eyes- these eggless linzer cookies are love at first sight and also first bite!

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When it comes to holiday baking, cookies top the list of favorite Christmas goodies! And what better than a buttery, melt-in-the-mouth, snowy-looking jam-filled textbook-perfect cookie to kick off the holiday buzz? These Linzer cookies are my son’s favorite and perhaps even mine. Although I may not admit to it as often. These are the classic Christmas cookies but honestly, it’s something we enjoy year round.

Linzer cookies originated in Linz, Austria and are derived from a classic recipe of Linzer torte which is a pastry filled with blackcurrant preserve and topped with a latticework crust. For Linzer cookies, the same dough is cut into shapes instead of making a pie, and a gorgeous sandwich cookie is made filled with delicious jam and cut out in beautiful shapes.

linzer cookies.
So, what do you need for the dough?
  • Flour
  • Almond Flour
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Almond Extract (optional)
Almond Flour

A Linzer cookie is a typical shortbread cookie. The addition of almond flour gives it a characteristic nutty taste and also helps the cookies brown. If you choose to skip almond flour, you could just add an equal proportion of all-purpose flour but the cookies will remain paler in colour even after baking.


A typical Linzer cookie doesn’t use milk or any additional liquid. However, some people find it difficult to work with this dough without the addition of a little liquid hence I’ve included 1-2 tsp of milk in the recipe. If you add too much liquid into the dough, it will become sticky. So add only as much milk as is required to make it easy to roll. If your dough doesn’t require any milk, feel free to skip it completely.

Almond Extract

Almond extract is used to add more flavor to the dough in this recipe. You could skip it completely or use other things in place to add flavor – Vanilla/Lemon Zest/Cinnamon Powder etc.

Refrigerating and Handling the Dough

The purpose of refrigerating the dough in the recipe is to ensure that it’s easy to roll. This cookie dough is slightly dry and crumbly as compared to other cookies. Thus it can be just a tad bit difficult to handle. Which is also why I recommend rolling the dough between two pieces of parchment paper so it doesn’t stick to the surface or to the rolling pin. If you prefer just patting down the dough and shaping with your hands before cutting out the shapes, that’s fine too as long as you can achieve even thickness.

The reason to refrigerate the cut cookie dough is to ensure the dough doesn’t spread too much during the baking process.

Cookie Cutters

While I’ve used a scalloped cookie cutter to give the cookies some serrated edges you could even use a regular round cookie cutter.

In case you don’t have cookie cutters, use any round object that will help you shape and cut the dough into rounds of about 2.5-3 inches. The cutters used to cut the inside centers are about 1 inch and you can use any variety of shapes that you like.


You could use any flavor of jam or fruit preserves/marmalade you like! My personal favorite is Strawberry or Raspberry but here are some other ideas

  • Black Currant
  • Cherry
  • Mixed Fruit
  • Apricot
  • Orange
  • Figs
Freezing the Dough

Linzer cookies taste best when baked fresh. Thus if you want to prep ahead, it’s better to make the dough and store it and bake the cookies when required.

The dough stores well for upto 2 months in the freezer and for upto 24 hours in the fridge. To use the frozen dough, let it thaw overnight in the refrigerator. To use from the fridge, take out the dough and let it become slightly soft again to be able to roll.

Storing/Packing the Cookies

To store unused Linzer cookies, just put them in an airtight box and store at room temperature. They last well for 4-5 days after which they may become a bit soft.


These also make for the best holiday treats to gift friends and family. They’re easy to pack – simply line some parchment in a metal box and fill with these cookies to give out as Christmas gifts.

So go on, make a batch today and spread some holiday cheer! Follow me on Instagram for a lot more holiday recipes and tips.

To check out more cookie recipes

Eggless Linzer Cookies

Buttery, melt in the mouth, blasting with the flavor of Jam, and such a treat to the eyes- these eggfree linzer cookies are love at first sight and first bite!
Prep Time15 mins
Cook Time15 mins
Resting time1 hr


  • 1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup Almond Flour
  • cup Butter
  • ½ cup Caster Sugar
  • ¼ tsp Almond Extract
  • 1-3 tsp Milk

To Assemble

  • ½ cup Jam
  • 1 tbsp Powdered Sugar



  • In a bowl, beat together the butter and caster sugar until light and smooth.
  • Add the almond extract and beat again.
  • Add the all-purpose and almond flour and mix till everything combines.
  •  Add milk 1 tsp at a time as needed to form a soft but non-sticky dough. Avoid adding too much milk.
  • Cling-wrap the dough and place it in the fridge for atleast 1 hour.
  • Take out the dough from the fridge and divide it into two parts.
  • Take one half of the dough, place it between two pieces of parchment paper, and roll it out into a rectangle of even thickness of 1/8 inch.
  • Use a scalloped or flower shape cookie cutter (approx. 3 inch) to make discs and transfer the cut cookies to a parchment lined baking tray.
  • Roll out the other half of the cookie dough the same way and use the same cutter to make discs. Then, use small heart/flower/diamond shape cutters (1 inch) to cut out the centers of each disc. Transfer to a baking tray.
  •  Place the trays with the cut cookie dough in the fridge for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven to 180 degree C.
  • Remove the trays and bake the cookies at 180 degree C for 12-15 minutes or until the cookies acquire a very light brown color.
  • Transfer the baked cookies to a wire rack and let them cool.


  •   Place the cookies with the center cut shapes to a tray and sprinkle or dust their tops generously with powdered sugar.
  • Spread approx. 1 tsp jam on the bottoms of the round cookies.
  •  Gently press a sugar-dusted cookie on top of the cookie topped with jam and press together.


  For measurement conversions to grams and ml, refer the conversion guide here – Measurements Conversion Guide

Join the Conversation

  1. yugandhara says:

    Can we grind almonds at home with peel and use as almond flour?

  2. Pooja Mody says:

    I am so happy that I found ur inst handle. It’s very difficult to find someone who shares eggless post. I glanced thru most of the recipe. U have given clear explanation on when to use butter/ oil while making a sponge.
    For oats n resin cookie, I experienced burnt resins on top of cookies. I will keep ur tip in mind n push it inside next time I bake. Thank U

  3. These look super yumm . Can we add a bit of baking soda for some lift ?

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